Ata kando biography books

Biography books on famous people

Hongaarse Vluchtelingen - Ata Kando & Violette Cornelius - - Bloem van Mijn Land by ATA KANDO and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at .
ata kando biography books

Ata kando biography books

The Hungarian-Dutch photographer Ata Kando was born in Budapest in In she left for Paris with her first husband, the artist Gyula Kando, with whom she had three children.

Ata kando biography books free

Hungarian-born Ata Kando () studied photography in her native country, but it was in Paris in the s and 50s where she truly honed her craft.

Ata kando biography books pdf
Summary: "The Hungarian-Dutch photographer Ata Kandó was born in Budapest in In she left for Paris with her first husband, the artist Gyula Kandó, with whom she had three .