Horace parnel tuttle + biography

Horace parnel tuttle biography children

Horace Parnell Tuttle (March 17, – August 16, ) was an American astronomer, an American Civil War veteran and brother of astronomer Charles Wesley Tuttle (November 1, – July 17, ).

horace parnel tuttle + biography

Horace parnel tuttle + biography

As colorful an assistant astronomer as any that have ever served at Harvard College Observatory [HCO], Horace Tuttle made independent discoveries of eight comets of which six bear his .

Horace parnel tuttle biography wikipedia

Horace Parnell Tuttle (March 17, – August 16, ) was an American astronomer, an American Civil War veteran and brother of astronomer Charles Wesley Tuttle (November 1, .

Horace parnel tuttle biography death
Horace Parnell Tuttle, served as a an enlisted infantry man for the 3rd Mass Inf. until he signed up with the US Navy in While surving with the Navy during the War of Northern Agression .